Friday, October 17, 2008

The Year that Changed Everything

This year it happened. I came to the realization that this is it. There are no do overs, second chances or I will get to it when....THIS is the ONLY life we get. Once chance to spend it, anyway we wish.

We stand around waiting for others to give "Permission to Live" when in fact WE are the only ones who can give ourselves true permission. I will do this or that when I have more time/money/a better fill in the blank.

We this year that is about to change--for me aleast. More later on how I came to his ephiany but for now I will share with you some of the things I am have been inspired to do NOW! They are in no particular order, nor is this list in anyway organized, which is amazing in itself considering I am a type A++. However, I have decided to make this journal a creative outlet and therefore will write as things come to me. Everyday a new topic consisting of whatever is on my mind or going on in my world. I am a multifacted person so they will be EVERYTHING from yoga to fashion to books to ANYTHING.... Quite a bit of the inspiration will come from my "intention or vision board" which is a large piece of white foam board when I post pictures of my dreams, hopes, wishes and desires. I am a visual person at heart so this helps me add a physical element to my goal setting. They are no longer jsut words on a page but actual living ideas!

So here are some things that have been on my mind most recently...

Herb Garden: I was to have a luscious container garden on my patio full of my favorite herbs, including but not limited to rosemary, lavendar, mints, cilantro, sage, basil....I know there are more but I am drawing a blank

Salsa Dancing: Before I tended to care too much about what other think and was afraid to move my body but not anymore--hey, I may not be a professional dance but I know I have rhythm and who care if it is not perfect, so long as I am having fun and the music and the company are good. And if I can find a great underground salsa club I am sure that will help me with..

Spanish: Off and on for years I have dipped my toe in the pool of learning Espanol. I know some basic greetings and can count but that just isn't cutting it for me. I want to move past the basics and atleast be able to hold a coversation.

Writing: Well, this blog counts, I suppose. Time to take it to the next level and hone my craft and what better way to do that than to WRITE!!

Leadership: Set aside some of the things I have taken on and step into roles that allow to rely on my may talents and years of experince of LIFE and take the helm and lead. No more sitting on the sidelines or taking the "easy" jobs. I have the right to be more selective about what I do, including my volunteer jobs.

Simplicity: Dial things down. Nothing wrong with having things in mylife, so long as they serve a purpose and are inline with the core of what is important to me. If they don't it is time to let them go.

Yoga: 2009 is the year I complete my RYT and start teaching!

Going Green(er): A personal responsibilty to all in involved in my life has spurned to to remove many of the harsh chemical in my environment starting with my cleaning chemicals--which leads me to

Making my Own "Stuff": There is something awesome about using products I have personally made. So I am starting with making my own cleaners. Dr. Bronner's soap, here I come.

That is all for tonight. More random musing to come and at some point I will get to the "story" behind what got me here.

Until then, take care and do not wait until tomorrow to give yourself PTL (permission to live)!!

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