Sunday, August 16, 2009

Want v. Desire


  • The physical results you desire begin to manafest themselves
  • You see the world throught the prism of your desire
  • You are not affected by outside circumstances
  • You attract like-mided people
  • You are awakened and you view of the world changes
  • Your intuitice factor grows
  • You easily give up things that are not in harmony with your purpose
  • Your wants change
  • You gain emotional control
  • You move from a competitive to a creative mindset
  • You have an unquenchable thirst for true knowledge

Odds and Ends

I was sorting through my magazine clippings file filled with quotes, articles and an other items that inspired me enough to tear them from the from their edition. I have decided to use these as a series of journal prompts for the blog. I am hoping these will be the spring board for writing and reflection, both of which I seem to feel the need to do lately. As in all day long, I crave to have time in the evenings to reflect and write. Somehow, I have gotten out of the habit of doing that lately, and I miss it. I am craving to return to my routine. So, how is this for a start?

Be More Spontaneous

When was the last time you did something spur-of-the-moment? Well, it is time to embrace a more "why not" mentality. "Being spontaneous shows that you are not afraid to genuinely express who you are, " says C. Robert Cloninger, MD, author of Felling Good: The Science of Well Being. So add a dash of fun to your days. The bottom line: This year, whenever the prospect of something fun gives you a twinge of excitement, go for it!

Something I have begun to do more spontaneously is, write poetry. A few weeks back I decided to pick-up Hakiu after a long haitus and I foudn that I really enjoyed it. So much, so that I have been thinking in Hakiu. I seem to be able to summize my daily expereinces into a poem. This has cause me to keep a spiral notebook in my car, in my purse and at my bedside, to I can capture my thoughts. I will begin sharing some of them here. The more I write, the more I want to write. I even signed up for a magazine article writing class. Which reminds me, I should probably sign off now and go log into class and see how things are going!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Vision Board

Today I am working on my vision board. I have been collecting clippings over the last few months and today it the day that I get them on board!

My vision board will never be complete, as I will add things from time to time; however, I am excited to get it up and running to day. I am even more excited to see what this year will bring.

I KNOW that this year will being many new and exciting opportunities. I find that the less I live in fear, the more liberated I feel.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 Year in Preview

Libra Outlook for 2009

Libra 9/23 – 10/22

Year 2009 Overview according to

Brilliant ideas come easily into Libra's awareness throughout 2009. As you trust your higher self and allow thoughts to flow freely, you are able to embrace new opportunities and make positive changes in your life. You come to a higher level of understanding and appreciation as you let go of old ideas. You're no longer separated from what you want as you to detach from limiting thoughts, bringing you a new spiritual perspective of feeling fully supported and loved.

As you stay centered within your core, your highest ideals manifest, and you have the ability to help others realize their interconnectedness, and bring balance into their lives. Your efforts bring you into a more stable way of working than ever before, an important development, what with all the changes occurring this year.

You are a natural conduit, and you are able to receive messages that will help you grow in every area of your life. You have a strong inner sense of direction for where life is going, so trust and allow your struggles to be released.

Not that I put faith in this, but this is how I intend for my year to be. I read this after I had journaled and worked on my Intention Board.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Do Something Everyday That Scares You

THIS is my motto for 2009:

Do Something Everyday that Scares You!

"Risk is the cost of doing business with opportunity"--(me).

You have to put yourself out there in order to experience success! In my book putting yourself out their and for a lack of better words "failing" the first time, is better than not putting yourself out there at all. Where is the fun in that. Sure you will never experience failure but then again, you will not experience success at all. At that is a risk I am just not willing to take.
