Sunday, August 16, 2009

Odds and Ends

I was sorting through my magazine clippings file filled with quotes, articles and an other items that inspired me enough to tear them from the from their edition. I have decided to use these as a series of journal prompts for the blog. I am hoping these will be the spring board for writing and reflection, both of which I seem to feel the need to do lately. As in all day long, I crave to have time in the evenings to reflect and write. Somehow, I have gotten out of the habit of doing that lately, and I miss it. I am craving to return to my routine. So, how is this for a start?

Be More Spontaneous

When was the last time you did something spur-of-the-moment? Well, it is time to embrace a more "why not" mentality. "Being spontaneous shows that you are not afraid to genuinely express who you are, " says C. Robert Cloninger, MD, author of Felling Good: The Science of Well Being. So add a dash of fun to your days. The bottom line: This year, whenever the prospect of something fun gives you a twinge of excitement, go for it!

Something I have begun to do more spontaneously is, write poetry. A few weeks back I decided to pick-up Hakiu after a long haitus and I foudn that I really enjoyed it. So much, so that I have been thinking in Hakiu. I seem to be able to summize my daily expereinces into a poem. This has cause me to keep a spiral notebook in my car, in my purse and at my bedside, to I can capture my thoughts. I will begin sharing some of them here. The more I write, the more I want to write. I even signed up for a magazine article writing class. Which reminds me, I should probably sign off now and go log into class and see how things are going!

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